کاشت مو
کلنیک زیبایی پرنیان نو

hair transplant

Hair transplant is a cosmetic surgery procedure to restore lost or receding hair. In this procedure, hair follicles are removed from an area of the body that has hair density and are implanted in an area that has sparse or missing hair.

Hair transplantation is a relatively safe and effective method that can bring natural and long-lasting results. This method is suitable for people who suffer from hereditary, genetic or caused by factors such as stress, illness or injury.

Hair transplantation is usually done in several sessions and each session lasts between 2 and 6 hours. The cost of hair transplantation varies depending on factors such as the size of the area that needs to be transplanted, the method of implantation and the selected clinic.

If you are looking for a way to restore your lost or receding hair, hair transplantation can be a good option for you.


Hair transplant procedures

Consultation with a doctor

Consultation with a doctor: Before doing any surgery, it is important to consult a specialist doctor. Your doctor should review your medical history and needs.

Planning surgery

Planning surgery: After confirming the hair transplant, the doctor will set up a surgery plan that fits your needs and timing.

Hair transplant surgery:

Hair transplant surgery: On the day of the surgery, the doctor will carefully plant and groom your hair to make it look its best.

Post-operative care

Post-operative care: After surgery, special care is required. Medications and wound healing strategies may be recommended.


Important tips for successful recovery

Healthy nutrition: Proper and varied nutrition strengthens hair and prevents new hair loss.
Adequate rest: Adequate rest and sleep play an important role in rapid recovery after surgery.
Post-operative care follow-up: Follow the doctor’s instructions carefully and pay attention to the recovery process.
Use of care products: Care products for implanted hair help to restore and protect the hair better.


Natural hair transplant

Hair transplantation is known as one of the methods of hair restoration, which is also called hair transplantation, and it is considered the newest method for hair restoration.

In this method

Natural human hair is used for hair restoration, the result of which is permanent, and people who use this method will benefit from the result for the rest of their lives.

It should be noted that hair transplantation is one of the most natural methods of hair restoration and does not cause unnatural appearance in people.

So that

Natural human hair grafts are taken from the hair removal site and transplanted into the bare areas of the head. For this purpose, the person’s condition is examined first, and the doctor determines which of the implantation methods is more suitable for him by examining the applicant’s condition.



Hair transplants allow people to experience an improvement in their appearance and enjoy youthfulness and vitality again. Due to medical advances, this method is known as an effective and safe solution for hair loss problems. By consulting your doctor and following the recovery steps, you can return to your vitality and youth.

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